Dr.Recheweg's Men's Health Specialities


INDICATIONS Acute and chronic prostatitis and its consequences


  • Chimaphila umbellata: Sharp pains when urinating, frequent urge to urinate at night, pains running from the bladder down to the extremity of the urethra, bladder catarrh due to calculi.
  • Clematis: Inflammatory stricture, glairy urine but without pus. Urination intermittent. Long waiting until finally emission, comes in drops with burning pain, followed by painless flow. Gonorrhoea, orchitis.
  • Conium: Paralytic asthenia, weak urinary stream.
  • Ferrum picrinicum: Nocturnal desire to urinate, urinary incontinence.General desire to urinate.
  • Pareira brava: Acute tenesmus, urination in drops, pain from the kidneys down to the thighs, gravel in urine, bloody and acid. Bladder calculi.
  • Populus tremul: Urge to urinate with painful urination. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland.
  • Pulsatilla: Prostatitis, orchitis gonorrhoica, turbid and yellowish urine, hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Pain in groins.
  • Sabal serr: Hypertrophy of the prostate gland with involvement of bladder, frequent urge to urinate. Painful urination.

DOSAGE - Generally 4-6 times daily 10-15 drops in some water before meals. - When improving reduce the dose to 3 times daily 10 drops for a longer period until complete recovery.


INDICATIONS Lack of vitality, Asthenia, spermatorrhoea, general debility especially in men. After-effects of debilitating illnesses, overwork on physical or other planes, overexcitement, nervous exhaustion. Against various kind of ailments in old-age.

MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: Tissues grow old through a variety of causes. The formation of rings can be noticed in the albuminous molecules bringing about a rarification of water and consequent parching. As these albuminous molecules loose their working efficacy they can no longer fulfil their detoxicant role towards the cells. This in turn means an accumulation of harmful tissues. It is through a homoeopathic medication stimulating the etoxicant cellular mechanism that an outward bound elimination of these toxins is achieved. The composition of R41 has been adapted in such a way as to influence the different systems, with special emphasis on the vitality glands. It is universally admitted that the function of the germinal glands affects the whole life-current in an individual Other indications in accordance with the following symptomatology.

  • Acidum phosphoricum: Tonic in case of impotence and lack of libido.
  • Agnus castus: Lack of vitality; weakness , with high efficacy in low dilution.
  • China: Specific effect in cases of disturbances after debilitating illnesses.
  • Conium: Angry irritations, lack of concentration. Hypochondria and in senile debility.
  • Damiana: Strengthens the genital regions.
  • Sepia: Acts in cases of exhaustion of all cellular functions, fatigue, aversion, repugnance for coition.
  • Testes: Acts as substitute and stimulant in the organotherapeutic sense.

DOSAGE - Generally 2-3 times daily 15 drops in a little water before meals. In cases of long standing and to achieve a more rapid result, for 2-3 days 10-15 drops can be taken every 1-2 hours.


INDICATIONS Conditions of nervous exhaustion, nervous weakness, weariness, insomnia following mental conflicts, nervous headaches, easily fatigued, general neurasthenia, lack of energy, inability to concentrate


  • Acid phos: Physical and mental weakness, weakness of back and sacral region, inability to do mental work. Consequences of grievances and worries. Indifference and discouragement. Drowsiness during day, dislike to converse. Pollutions, impotency.
  • Citrus medica limonum: Effect on the circulation and the blood itself, faintness, weak pulse.
  • Cocculus: Physical weakness, exhaustion, irritability, state of depression, insomnia, weakness of muscles of the nape, with a feeling of heaviness in head.
  • Helonias: Exhaustion and overexertion (especially of women), accompanied by uterine affections. Nervous irritations, depressions, desire for solitude.
  • Sepia: Sadness, irritable and moody. Indifference to duties, especially with women in the menopause.
  • Zincum met: Great nervous exhaustion, restlessness of the legs. Irritability of the nervous system, taciturnity, slow mental conception, weak memory. Burning and weakness along spinal cord. Pricking and numbness of the limbs.

DOSAGE - In the beginning of the treatment three time daily one tablespoonful. - When improvement sets in, the same dose daily, eventually only in the evening.


INDICATIONS Nervous exhaustion, nervous headache, insomnia, general neurasthenia, stimulative of endogenous resistance, overexertion, depressions, inability to concentrate, lack of energy, impotency, spring fatigue, convalescence.

MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: General physical invigoration. The feeling of exhaustion subsides and there is a return of the energy to work. Acid phosphor: Physical and mental weakness, weakness of back sacral region, inability to do mental work. Consequences of grievances and worries. Indifference and discouragement. Drowsiness during day, dislike to converse, pollutions, impotency.

  • Citrus medica Iimonum: Effect on the circulation and the blood itself, faintness, weak pulse.
  • Cocculus: Physical weakness, exhaustion, irritability, state of depression, insomnia, weakness of muscles of the nape, with feeling of heaviness in head.
  • Ginseng: Nervous exhaustion, fatigue accompanied by lumbar weakness, difficulty in thinking, sexual asthenia.
  • Helonias: exhaustion and overexertion (especially of women), accompanied by uterine affections nervous irritations, depressions, desire for solitude.
  • Sepia: Sadness, irritable and moody, Indifference to duties, especially with women in the menopause.
  • Zincum met: Great nervous exhaustion, restlessness of the legs, irritability of the nervous system, taciturnity, slow mental conception, weak memory, burning and weakness along spinal cord, pricking and numbness of the limbs.

DOSAGE - We recommend VITA-C 15 FORTE every time prior to expected stress-situations. to achieve a remarkable invigoration of the nervous system, we advise to follow a treatment with two daily supplies(morning and evening) for 6 days and continue with one daily dose for about three weeks.


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