What are the treatment options for Anxiety?

Anxiety is usually a normal and healthy emotion felt instinctively by humans as a fight or flight response to a dangerous situation. It is one of the basic survival instincts in humans. But when it becomes a regular and abnormal feeling which affects the day to day life of an individual, it is called an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder belongs to the category of mental disorder which is characterized by fear, nervousness, apprehension, and unwanted worry. It varies from mild to moderate condition, which can affect a person physically when severe. The physical symptoms are increased blood pressure, nausea, stress, etc. In the present day world, anxiety and stress are usually caused by profession, studies, financial issues, relationships, health problems, etc.



  • Panic disorder: is characterized by recurring panic attacks at unexpected time
  • Phobic disorder: excessive fear of a specific object, situation, or activity
  • Social anxiety disorder: extreme fear of being judged by others in social situations
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder: repeated and obsessive behaviors due to irrational thoughts
  • Separation anxiety disorder: fear of separation from home or loved ones
  • Hypochondriasis: anxiety about the health
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder: anxiety due to a traumatic event


The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are:

  • Nervous restlessness
  • Unwanted fear and worry
  • Mental irritability
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Insomnia
  • Recurring nightmare
  • Painful thoughts or memories
  • Increased heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased sweating


  • Environmental triggers such as difficulties at work, trouble in relationships, family and financial issues
  • Anxiety can be a hereditary disorder passed on through genes.
  • Certain medication
  • Certain illnesses
  • Hormonal imbalance or changes in brain chemistry
  • Substance withdrawal

Treatment options for Anxiety

  • Psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy recognize the behavior in a person and helps to change the behavioral pattern positively.
  • De-addiction therapy for people who are addicted to alcohol. Smoking or other drugs.
  • Stress management through organized lifestyle strategies
  • Regular exercises can stimulate the production of endorphins and enhance a happy mood and peaceful mind. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, breathing exercises, spa and baths, enough and proper rest, etc are also very effective in calming the nerves.
  • Joining a support group or talking to a family member or friend helps to let out the pent-up feelings and relaxes the mind.
  • Counseling is an effective way to de-stress the anxious feeling with professional help and care.
  • Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can help alleviate the problems temporarily but sometimes it can lead to drug dependence and addiction.
  • Homeopathy is one of the best treatment options for anxiety disorder as it treats the symptoms efficiently and in a safe way without any fear of addictions and side effects.

Management of anxiety

  • Lifestyle changes are the most effective ways to relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety.
  • Getting proper rest and sleep
  • Regular meditation and yoga
  • Active lifestyle with regular work out
  • Balanced and a healthy diet
  • Avoiding alcohol, caffeine and, tobacco

Homeopathic treatment for anxiety

Aconite: for anxiety with intense fear of death with palpitations, shortness of breath, flushed face, and trembling.

Argentum nitricum: for anxiety with fearfulness especially of crossing bridges, of closed spaces, heights, and illness. Excessive worry, leading to obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Arsenicum album: for anxiety in people who are fastidious, and critical with fear of death and illness.

Calcarea carbonica: for anxiety with fear of failure, of impending disaster, of things left undone. Obsessive cleaners with a tendency to feel much anger, envy, hatred, despair and, indifference.

Gelsemium: for anxiety with great apprehension and timidity. Fear of falling, crowds, and public speaking.

Ignatia: for anxiety due to grief or loss. Sensitive, refined, and heartbroken, but are averse to consolation with rapid mood swings.

Lycopodium: for anxiety due to a severe lack of confidence. Easily intimidated and offended. Fear of failure with sexual problems, irritability and, indigestion.

Natrum muriaticum: for people who are very sensitive and silent with grief after loss of loved ones. Fear of tight, narrow spaces, of robbers, of being humiliated or rejected.

Phosphorus: it is indicated for people of loving, and empathic nature but very anxious and easily vexed. They are constantly in need of reassurance. Anxiety related to love and loved ones, from unrequited love or affection and from fear of being rejected.

Silica: for anxiety with lack of self-confidence and fear of speaking in public. Very anxious about trivial things. Tend to overwork and exhaust to avoid failure.

Stramonium: it is indicated for anxiety with nightmares. The person feels anxious, obsessive and forsaken. Violent thoughts masked by mild behavior. Anxiety with mania, delirium and, delusions.

Argentum Nitricum and Tarantula: for anxiety with irritability, over sensitivity and hasty behavior.

Ignatia and Natrum Muriaticum: for anxiety due to grief.

Kalium phosphoricum: for anxiety due to mental exertion and overwork beyond their physical and mental capacity.

Nux Vomica and Staphysagria: for anxiety due to anger, irritability and, impatience.

Some of the best homeopathic products to treat the symptoms of anxiety disorders are Schwabe India’s, Daphne indica 1x, Alpha-TS, Bacopa monnieri 1X, Five Phos, Stress Free Life. Etc.


Source : https://www.schwabeindia.com/

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