Paneer Ka Phool" is also known as Indian Rennet, Withania Coagulans, Paneer Doda/ Dodi, etc.There is no side-effects of Paneer ka Phool (“Withania Coagulans”). Although it is a natural herb which is very effective for diabetic persons. You can take it with your medicines and your sugar level will be down within a couple of months. It helps the body to absorb blood glucose. It repairs the beta cells of the Pancreas so that the body gets sufficient amount of insulin. Regular consumption of Paneer ka Phool cures Diabetes and gives relief from taking Antidiabetic medications.
Helps overcome defiance to oral hypoglycemic drugs when used as a supplementary to various cases of uncontrolled diabetes. Paneer doda confers a sense of well-being in patients and promotes symptomatic relief in diseases like weakness, dizziness, pain in legs, body ache, polyuria, and pruritus.
Health Benefits
- Controls Diabetes
- Reduce foot burning sensation
- Cures Joint Pain
How to use
You have to put 10-15 pieces of seeds in a glass of water for the whole night. In the morning squeeze the seeds & filter & have it, It's taste is not so good but effective. Regular use will give you the best result. many people already taking benefit from it.
Count your sugar and Cholestrol level before beginning of the course. Count after 10 days, 20 days and 30 days. You will see what difference it is making.