A Super effective combination extracts of  * PapayaLeaf  *Nilavembu  *Neem Leaf  *Guduchi  *Amla

Overview of "Carrimm Cares Immunity Tablets" For all type of fever

A Super effective combination extracts of

* PapayaLeaf  *Nilavembu  *Neem Leaf  *Guduchi  *Amla

Therapeutic Indications

  • All Diseases with fever as a main symptom
  • Dengue Fever
  • Chikungunya
  • Malaria
  • Chronic Fevers
  • Diabetes
  • Low grade with feeling of fatigue
  • Weakness and Energy loss
  • Body aches and Muscle pains
  • Cold & Cold related problems
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Liver Enlargement
  • Anorexia

Papaya Leaves

In Dengue Fever Papaya leaf extract lowers fever cures thrombocytopenia or low platelet counts, and helps with cold, flues and it is a cure for dengue fever. Carica papaya leaf extract is now being widely used as a treatment for dengue fever in many countries.

Immune Booster - Papaya leaves contains lots of powerful antioxidants and creates " Th1" a cytokine which boosts the immune system and fights cancer.

Anti - Aging - Papaya leaf contains 50 or more different amino acids that create anti- Aging.

Great Nutrients - Papaya Leaf extracts also contains lots of great nutrients such as B-Vitamins, Vitamins A & C which are powerful antioxidants, Calcium and vitamin D, Vitamin E, Flavonoids (that are powerful antioxidants that keep way cancer and cardiovascular disease) Tannins ( that boost the immune system ) Betacarotene ( for immune enhancement and eye health )


  • Work well as a good Laxative
  • Can help with fungal infections of the skin, warts, scars.
  • Increase Appetite
  • Can prevent Cataracts
  • Prevents Emphysema


Nilavembu, also known as Kiriyath, "The Better medicine to kill bitter ailments"  Nilavembu is best known for it's use in treating and preventing dengue. The word nilavembu has become synonymous with dengue treatment that we forget it's other wonderful uses.

Other Benefits

  • Treating diabetes
  • Blood Purification
  • Skin Diseases
  • Allergies


Guduchi is a valuable remedy in ayurveda for treating a variety of disease conditions. It's fairly rich in calcium and phosphorus.

Health Benefits

  • It helps to reduce fever
  • Reducing allergic symptoms such as Nasal itching, Running nose & Sneezing
  • Improve Liver Function by destroying toxins due to jaundice.
  • Increases sexual potency and purifies sperm
  • Treat digestive problems like abdominal pain, vomiting & loss of appetite

Neem Leaf

Neem leaf have often been used in india to treat viral diseases. Neem leaves extract, absorbs and eliminates virus. It is very useful for treating warts, chicken pox, and small pox. 


  • Effective against Fungal diseases that affect human body
  • Used to treat malaria fever.
  • Boosts the body's immune response on several level.
  • Prevents and fights infections 
  • Blood purifier
  • Rejuvenates and nourishes the skin
  • Balances the blood sugar level


  • Helps reduce blood sugar level
  • Provide effective remedy for heart disease
  • Helpful in asthma and bronchitis
  • Prevents aging and maintains strength in old age.
  • Help enrich in hair growth
  • Helps to improve immunity and protects from common cough & cold
  • It prevents cancer
  • Good for digestion
  • Good for healthy heart
  • Control diabetes.

Order Now! Carrimm Cares Immunity Tablets, with Super effective combination extracts

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