"Arthorub Liniment" made with Mustard oil & Sesame oil, An exceptionally powerful remedy for Oedema and Pain

Arthorub Liniment made from Mustard oil & Sesame oil, Arthorub Liniment is an exceptionally powerful remedy for Oedema and Pain.

Composition : 
The Arthorub Liniment has the decoction of :

  • Gmelina arborea : Kasmari
  • Stereospermum suaveolens : Patala
  • Oroxlum indicum : Tarkari
  • Premna integrifolia : Dindukam
  • Aegle marmelos : Vilwa
  • Solanum indicum : Bruhati
  • Solanum xanthocarpum : Kantakari
  • Psuedarthria viscida : Moorva
  • Desmodium gangeticum : Sthira
  • Tribulus terrestris : Gokshura
  • Strobilanthus heynianus : Sahachara
  • Sida retusa : Bala
  • Rubia cordifolia : Manjishta
  • Hemidesmus indicus : Sariba
  • Tamarindus indicus (leaves) : Chincha
  • Pluchea lanceolata : Rasna
  • Trigonella foenum-graceum : Methika
  • Anethum sowa : Satapushpa
  • Withania somnifera : Aswagandha
  • Aloe vera : Kumari
  • Zingiber officinale : Sunti
  • Strychnos nuxvomica (root) : Karaskara
  • Medicated oil : 65.00%
  • Oil of wintergreen : 15.00%
  • Eucalyptus oil : 10.00%
  • Camphor : 5.00%
  • Pudina ka phool extract : 4.50%
  • Lemon grass oil : 0.50%

Indications :

  • Stiff & swollen joints
  • Arthritis
  • Sprain
  • Blunt injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Musculo-skeletal oedema & pain of varied etiology

Usage :

Apply some amount of Arthorub Liniment to the affected parts liberally and massage gently into the skin. Warmth applied before and after application of Arthorub Liniment enhances action.


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