For the soothing relief from persistent and irritating cough, moist and dry cough.
- Help to relieve cough with rattling sound of chest
- Relieves violent bout of cough
- Act as expectorant.
- Wheezing cough.
Ipecacuanha 1x 1%: Persistent nausea and vomiting is associated with cough. Continued sneezing; coryza; wheezing cough. Cough incessant and violent, with every breath. Dyspnea, constant constriction in throat.
Antimonium tartaricum 6x 0.5%: Cough followed, by vomiting or sleep. Coughing and gasping consecutively. Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx. Coarse, rattling with wet sounding cough, but scanty, difficult expectoration, unable to get it out.
Bryonia Alb. Q: Dry, hacking cough from irritation, Cough, dry, at night; must sit up; worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting, with stitches in chest, and expectoration of rust-colored sputa.
Coccus cacti 3x 0.5%: Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles. Spasmodic morning cough. Whooping cough attacks end with vomiting of this tough mucus
Drosera rotundifolia Q 2%: Cough very deep and hoarse; worse, after midnight; yellow expectoration, with bleeding from nose and mouth; retching. Deep, hoarse voice; hoarseness; laryngitis. Rough, scraping sensation deep in the fauces and soft palate.
Pulsatilla: Constricted feeling in the chest in the evening. Stuffed up in the evening, making breathing difficult indicates Pulsatilla.
Children 2 to under 6 years: 5ml or 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes for upto 4 doses then every 4 hours, until relieved, then every 4 hours.
Children 6 to under 12 years: 10ml 2 teaspoon every 15 minutes for upto 4 doses, until relieved, then every 4 hours.