For stone dissolution
Format: Capsule
Active Ingredients
Tribulus terrestris: Diuretic
Therapeutic Use / Mechanism In Action
Stonil is an herbal solvent to the painful misery of renal calculi. The substances such as tannins, saponins, oils and resins in Stonil composition move the stone along the hurdled ways. Atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine are all antispasmodics-Mild sedative & narcotic actions are part of the incorporation. The calculi gets dissolved and thrown into urinary excretion.
Dosage & Administration
Adults: Taken orally and patients can have 2-3 capsules a day. Leafy vegetables and fiber-rich vegetable diet is advised. Foods which contain more calcium oxalates (cabbage, cauliflower, tomato etc) should be completely avoided.
Pediatric Use: Not for infants and children
Geriatric Use: As directed by the Physician
Diabetics / pregnant women and nursing mothers/cancer patients: Should use it strictly as directed by the physician.
Patients receiving complementary or alternative medicine: Stonil is compatible with other forms of treatment and has registered no adverse side effects.
Initial Dosage: 2 or 3 capsules a day/ 1-0-1 as directed by the physician after food and never on an empty stomach. It is also the recommended starting dosage.
Maintenance Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day
Maximum Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day