Snorid effectively relieves snoring.
- Arsenic Album 3x
- Belladonna 3x
- Bryonia Alba 3x
- Camphor 3x
- Cistus Candensis 3x
- Drosera 3x
- Echinacea 3x
- Ephedra Vulgaris 3x
- Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 3x
- Histaminum Hydrochloricum 3x
- Hydrastis Can. 3x
- Ignatia 3x
- Teucriumm Marum Virum 3x in aqua destillata
- Take 10 to 15 Drops in 10 ml of water one hour before bedtime, and then again at bedtime. Increase or decrease dosage depending on the severity.