Earache (Otalgia) is very common medical problem for both children and adults. The pain of earache results from inflammation and swelling of the structures that make up the ear, including the external auditory canal, the tympanic membrane, and the middle ear.
Tinnitus, or ringing (other types include buzzing, whistling, roaring, humming etc) in the ears can be caused by medication overuse (aspirin and antibiotics) or other factors. To treat your tinnitus, a homeopath will first try to identify any underlying, treatable condition that may be connected with your symptoms.
If tinnitus is due to a health condition, your doctor may be able to take steps that could reduce the noise. If your tinnitus is caused by an earwax build-up, ear drops like homeopathy Mullein ear oils will be of great use
Bahola Mullein essence is indicated for pain in the ear, fetid discharge, ulceration, blockage, hardened wax in the ear.
Bahola Mullein Essence Contains: Mullein Q H.P.I. 52% v/v. Viola oderata 6c H.P.I. 11.6%.v/v, Glycerin Q. S. to 100% v/v. Ethyl alcohol content 36.8 % v/v.
The scientific name of Mullein is Verbascum thapsus, the herb has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and lab trials indicate that mullein flower infusions possess antiviral properties as well. Mullein leaf and the flowers of the plant are widely used in syrups, oils, tinctures and even used to gargle. Mullein oil is known to cure ear pain and is good for curing hemorrhoids eczema, and wounds. Tea made from mullien leaf is good for stopping incessant coughing
2-3 drops in the affected ear twice or thrice daily or as prescribed by the physician.