All kinds of liver disorders such as Kaamaalai or Manjal Kaamalai (jaundice), Kalleeral maneeral veekkam (enlargement of liver & spleen (Hepato spleenomegaly), Paandu (anaemia) etc., Also beneficial in Siruneeraga noigal (renopathic conditions). Excellent Blood Purifier, skin diseases such as Itchyosis, reddish patches. Very good immuno modulator
Eclipta prostata - 14.28%, Wedelia calendulaceas - 14.28%, Indigofera tinctoria - 14.28%, Sphaeranthus indicus - 14.28%, Centella asiatica - 14.28%, Acalypha indica - 14.28%, Coldenia procumbens - 14.28%,
1-2 gms with Honey or milk before food 2-3 times a day (or) As directed by the physician