Kali muriaticum is a homoeopathic medicine useful in complaints of the muscles, nerves and the blood. It is highly indicated in cases of cold accompanied by white discharges. Even ear complaints accompanied by white discharges are greatly benefited by this remedy. Its red line symptom is a white or grey coating at the base of the tongue.
What is Kali muriaticum?
Kali muriaticum is a medicine made from the elements Potassium and Chloride. It is a tissue remedy and is hence useful in conditions that arise from a lack of these elements in the body. Tissue remedies are also called as biochemic remedy or biochemic salt or Schuessler salt. The most significant feature of this remedy is its white discharges which accompany almost all complaints. Kali muriaticum homeopathy medicine is of use in complaints where there are catarrhal discharges involved and in cases of inflammations and swellings. It is also helpful in joint pains especially of the knees where inflammation is the origin of the problem. It is a tissue remedy and is related to fibrin. It hence helps absorb white and thick discharges.