Size: 30 Ml
Sale priceRs. 175.00


Medisynth Gasgan forte Drops has a unique combination of homeopathic ingredients for relieving indigestion and acidity.


Gasgan improves digestive processes and liver activity by regulating the pH levels of gastric juices ,thus relieving acidity and constipation. Available in drops and pills, Gasgan is a very effective combination formulated to relieve dyspepsia, belching, flatulence, gastralgia, water brash and discomfort caused due to indigestion.


Medisynth Gasgan forte Drops Contains: Carbo Vegetabilis 1M, Colchicum Autumnale 1M, Nux Vomica 1M.


Drops (for acute symptoms):5-10 drops of Medisynth Gasgan forte 3 to 4 times a day. (Children:Half the above dose)

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