Wheezal Euphrasia Eye Drop is effective for treating various problems of eyes. It is helpful with irritation, inflammation, redness, photophobia, chronic and acute conjunctivitis and lachrymation of eyes.
- Euphrasia Officinalis
- Isotonic Solution
- Hydroxybenzoate
- Sodium Methyl
- Euphrasia Off. Q is useful during Catarrh condition such as copious, acrid, watery discharge. biting, irritation, burning, winking, copious lachrymation and treats acute conjunctivitis
- Effective in treating infections, remove cloudiness in front of lens, treat chronic and acute conjunctivitis
- provides relief from eye-strain from sewing, pain, feeling of tiredness in eyes, and restores power to the weakened ciliary muscles
- Provides relief from itchiness and redness in eyes
- Helps in reducing gummy eye discharge