- Cardiac tonic to restore the tone of the muscles of heart
- Palpitations, Irregular heart beat
Aurum-Mur-N 4x: Drawing and cutting in the heart. Violent pressure in the region of the heart. Cardiac anguish. Enlarged right side of the heart.
Cratageus Oxy. Q: Irregularity of heart, Chronic heart disease, with extreme weakness. Very feeble and irregular heart action. Extreme breathing difficulty on least exertion, pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent.
Camphora 2x: Icy coldness of the whole body; sudden sinking of strength; pulse small and weak. As a heart stimulant for emergency use of Camphor is the most satisfactory remedy.
Valeriana Q: Choking on falling asleep. Irritability with all complaints.
Cactus Grand Q: Chest pains, with suffocation, cold sweat, Constriction, very acute pains and stitches in heart, pulse feeble, irregular, quick, without strength.
Convallaria M Q: A heart remedy. Increases energy of hearts' action, renders it more regular. Feeling as if heart beat throughout the chest. Palpitation from the least exertion. Tobacco heart, especially when due to cigarettes
Adults: 20 drops in a tablespoon of water, 1/2 an hour before eating, 3 to 5 times daily.