Bakson’s B6 Inflammation Drops is an effective remedy for treatment of inflammation. Inflammation is a condition in which the body’s white blood cells and substances produced by them to fight off harmful substances. It helps in reducing inflammation in the part of the body that is affected by it and reduces redness and swelling.
- Apis mel.
- Baryta mur.
- Belladonna
- Calcarea iod.
- Hepar sulph
- Kalium bichrom.
- Mercurius sub. Corr.
- Phytolacca
- Primarily used for the treatment of inflammation occurring in any part of the body
- Reduces symptoms of Inflammation such as swelling in various parts of the body, edema, redness, soreness, heat intolerance
- Cures conditions of tonsillitis and reduces swelling of the gland
- Reduces the formation of pus in the affected area
- Its homoeopathic composition makes it safe to use and it doesn’t trigger any side effects