Ailanthus gladulosa eliminates infections of the tonsils and other tissues, including those caused by foci or residual intoxification. It also helps treat severe weakness and fever, Scarlet Fever, mucus membrane infections,
and dysbiosis of the digestive tract, including colic that may accompany this condition.
Argentum nitricum helps treat infections in several different ways. Argentum functions as an anti-bacterial medication, while Nitricum acidicum treats infections of all mucous membranes. As a combination of the two, Argentum nitricum also helps regulate nerve function and combats restlessness/exhaustion often accompanied by headaches or migraines.
Cinchona pubescens (China) specifically addresses fever, exhaustion and weakness. Its anti-infectiousproperties effectively help treat a broad range of illnesses from bronchitis, pertussis (whooping cough), gastritis and
cholecystitis to polyarthritis rheumatica. In addition, China is also invaluable in reducing head congestion, as well as stopping bleeding from irritated mucous membranes.
Echinacea is the classic herb of choice for stimulating the body’s immune response and treating bacterial and viral infections. Leukocyte production and other defense responses are stimulated. In addition, it increases the excretion capabilities of the kidneys and intestines, which promotes more efficient elimination of toxic metabolic waste products.
Lachesis mutus functions as a reliable medication against all septic conditions of the blood and protects the entire body against the spread of infection.
Marrubium vulgare is a specific lymphatic stimulant indicated for treatment of severe respiratory infections, hardening of the lymph nodes, disruption of the liver and mucus membrane conditions.
Nasturtium aquaticum is valuable for treatment of urological infections because of its diuretic properties, and for stimulating the gallbladder. It detoxifies the blood and works throughout the entire body as a natural antimicrobial. Traditionally this herb has been used to effectively treat skin disorders and prevent goiter.
Vincetoxicum is an effective anti-virulent against infections ranging from flu and the common cold to poliomyelitis. It also aids the body in excreting toxins to help prevent development of debilitating chronic infections that may arise from acute illnesses that were not properly treated.