Acidum benzoicum resolves uric acid diathesis — often accompanied by a strong rheumatic burden — to eliminate conditions that weaken the heart.
Acidum nitricum treats infections of the mucous membranes and urinary tract. It also regulates the functions of the urological pathways and eliminates symptoms that include frequent urination and foul-smelling urine accompanied by a burning sensation.
Apis mellifica treats edema and infectious conditions of the joints. It also stimulates and detoxifies the tonsillar ring, connective tissues, intestines, serous membranes, bladder, and kidneys to facilitate systemic healing.
Berberis vulgaris addresses pathogenic conditions of the liver and urological pathways. It supports the excretion of uric acid from the system and reduces liver and pancreas intoxication — the basis of illnesses such as gout and diabetes.
Colchicum autumnale is primarily indicated for the treatment of gout. This herb also fights endocarditis and pericarditis, regulates the gastrointestinal system to stop nausea, vomiting, and over-acidity and helps heal acute and subacute rheumatic conditions. This remedy also eliminating these conditions helps detoxify the body and enables the kidneys to excrete poisons that have accumulated over the years.
Coccus cacti disinfect and stimulate the kidneys while providing anti-spastic properties. It also helps heal chronic latent infections that reduce kidney efficiency.
Solidago virgaurea is a classic kidney remedy that effectively treats chronic nephritis and arthritis. It is indicated for the treatment of painful urination and urine thick with stones, gravel, protein or blood. The stimulative effect on the kidneys is so great that using a catheter often becomes unnecessary.
Capsella bursa-pastoris helps treat metabolic insufficiency reflected by the build-up of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder. The strong stimulative effect provided by this herb can even make catheter use unnecessary.