ABCAP is an excellent product to build the resistance of the body and also acts as a health supplement. ABCAP is an anti-bacterial, Immuno-modulator, detoxifier and useful in immunodeficiency diseases like AIDS, etc.
Kasa (Cough), Svasa (Dyspnoea), Peenasa (Common Cold), Parshwashoola, Swarabheda (Hoarseness), Mutrakruchra (Pain during micturition), Mutraghaata (Retention of Urine), Mutradaha (Burning micturition), Tvak vikara (Skin disorders), Kandu (Itching), Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis), Vatarakta (Gout), Vatavikara (Neurological Disorders), Kamala (Jaundice & Hepatitis), Krimijanya Vikara, Jeerna Jwara & in all types of Jwara.
One capsule three times a day or as prescribed by the Physician