Simple non-toxic Goitre specifically due to hypothyroidism & in other glandular swellings & glandular congestion.
- It reduces glandular congestion & improves endocrine functions of the glands ( Kanchmar Gugal)
- Reduces the inflammation and hardness (Ras Manikya, Gandmalakandam Ras)
- Checks symptoms associated with goiter like burning sensation & un-easiness (Praval Panchamrit, Praval Pisti)
- Improve metabolism (Trifla, Krimigham Quath)
- Controls infection and detoxifies the system ( Yashad Bhasma, Nag Bhasma, Punarnava)
It is useful as an adjunct in tonsillitis, piles, ovarin cyst, endometrial hyperplasia & obesity (Dashmul, Jalkumbhi, Varuna)
1 or 2 tab b.i.d / t.i.d with water