Wheezal Hekla Lava with Calendula Dental Care Tooth Powder is indicated for Bleeding of gums, Toothaches, Decay of teeth, Neuralgia and Pyorrhoea
It is a homeopathy remedy used in treating gingivitis and loose sockets which are the major problems in old age patients. It’s properties can be explored as a intracanal medicament in root canal treatment as well.
Wheezal Hekla Lava Tooth Powder Contains: plantabo Q calendula Q calc phos .3x azadirachta indica Q staphysagria Q kreosote Q cal carb 3x hekla lava 3x calc fluor 3x merc cor 3x.1.0 gm. slspowder 8.0gm. m sallcylate 0.4 ml. calcium carbonate base qs to 100gms.
Apply Wheezal Hekla Lava Tooth Powder after each meal.