Flatulent colic, meteorism, porphyrinuria, intestinal colic, abdominal spasms of varying genesis which are characteristic in porphyrinuria and affected liver. Cirrhosis of the liver, bilious colic; colic in saturnism, dysmenorrhoea; Complementary remedy for renal colic. In case of chronic constipation gradual regularizing effect.
- Alumina: Stool in small lumps; constipation.
- Bryonia: Constipation; dark stools.
- Colocynthis: Flatulent colic; tendency to contraction. Intestinal spasms.
- Lachesis: Bad digestion aspecially after an excess of quinine or alcohol.
- Lycopodium: Flatulent in the evening.
- Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus: Tenesmus; dysenteriform intestinal cramps.
- Plumbum aceticum: Intestinal colic. Watery and nauseous stools; chronic diarrhoea. Abdomen very sensitive to touch.
Dosage : Reaction agent, malodorous flatulence, swelling of the abdomen. Matutinal diarrhoea. R37 regularizes stools and will end constipation in many cases.
- 3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals.
- In case of intermittent pains, colic, meteorism and suspected perforation, (eventually the undiluted drops can be held in the mouth and spad out), take for a short while, ½ -1 hour every 3-5 minutes 5-10-15 drops.
- In case of fundamental changes, bilious colic, renal colic, inflammation of the appendix and others, the following remarks apply.