- Discharge like white of eggs from vagina.
- General weakness of young girls after discharge.
- During puberty.
- Calcarea phosphorica 3x White discharge like white of egg day and night. Burning in the vagina and uterus during menses.
- Kalium phosphoricum 3x White vaginal discharge, offensive smelling, putrid, Too profuse discharge, sometimes with offensive odor.
- Kalium sulphuricum 3x Menses too late, white discharge with itching, scanty, with feeling of weight in abdomen.
- Natrum muriaticum 3x White vaginal discharge, acrid, watery. Bearing-down pains, vaginal discharge; like boiled starch; vaginal discharge transparent and white.
Adults : 4 tablets every three hours or four times a day.
Children : 1 to 2 tablets 4 times a day.