Stress, Environmental and Genetic Factors, Neurotransmitter Disturbances etc., are known to cause abnormalities in behaviour leading to Anxiety, Depression and Memory Disturbances. Short-term use of various medicines to Calm Hyperactivity may be effective, but the complications and side effects of prolonged administration limit their utility in most of the subjects. Stresmem is a Polyherbal Formulation and is effective in alleviating signs and symptoms relating to Anxiety, Insomnia, Mental Fatigue, Sluggishness, Personality and Behavioural Problems.
- Stresmem is a Nervine Tonic.
- Acts on Central Nervous System, reducing Emotional Disturbance and Anxiety.
- Helpful in Treatment of Insomnia and Behavioural problems.
- Revitalises the Brain Functions.
- A Complete Herbal Formulation to Tackle the modern day Stress and Strain.