Sinuses have the same mucous membrane lining as the nose. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The inflammation could be caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. The infection may also be the result of an allergic or autoimmune reaction - when the immune system attacks healthy cells.
Weakness, mild fever, headache, pain behind the eyes and nasal discharge.
Bakson Sinus Aid Tabs helps in Swelling over the face, because of inflammed sinus.
Arsenicum album 6x
Calcarea carbonica 3x
Hydrastis canadensis 3x
Kali bichromicum 3x
Pulsatilla nigricans 3x
1 Tablet of Bakson Sinus Aid Tab 4 times a day. Maintenance dose: 1 Tablet, twice a day. Or as prescribed by the physician