For Varicose Veins, Piles, Corneal opacity, Dental cavity, Gouty swelling
- Calcium fluoratum binds the keratin in the body.
- It preserves stretch and tightness of all the elastic fibers, above all the tendons and ligaments and is responsible for all kinds of distension, sclerosis and irreversible dilatation.
- It also builds up the dental enamel, the surface of Bones, the top layers of the Skin and the walls of the Blood vessels.
Composition: Calcarea fluorica - 12X
Indications: For symptoms of Piles, Cataract, Varicose veins, Gumboils or as advised by the physician.
Dosage: Adults: 4 tablets, three or four times daily. Children: Half the adult dose. Or as prescribed by the physician.
Contra-indication: None
Side effects: No known side effects