Bakson’s B61 Blood Purifier Drops is an effective remedy to purify the blood of any impurities present in it. Impurities in the blood cause skin problems and it is one of the main reasons for the eruptions of pimples, boils and related skin conditions. Bakson’s B61 Blood Purifier Drops cleanses the blood and eliminates impurities and makes your skin healthy.
- Conium mac.
- Hepar sulph.
- Juglans reg.
- Sarsaparilla
- Scrophularia nod
- It helps in removing toxins and unwanted substances from the blood
- Helps in reducing acne, pimples, eruptions, eczemas and related skin issues
- Heals cracks on hands and palm
- Soothes itching of the skin and prevents eruptions of pustules
- Prevents eruptions of pimples on the skin especially in hot weather
- A powerful tonic that is helpful in cleansing the blood and treats stubborn skin issues
- Its homeopathic composition makes it safe to use and it doesn’t trigger any side effects