Cough is a sudden and often repetitively occurring reflex which helps to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microbes It’s a symptom of respiratory tract affection.
OMEO COUGH SYRUP COMPOSITION Rumex crispus 3X 1.0% Justicia adhatoda Ø 2.0% Ipecacuanha 1X 1.0% Spongia tosta 1X 1.0% Sticta pulmonaria 3X 1.0% Antimonium tartaricum 6X 0.5% Coccus cacti 3X 0.5% Drosera rotundifolia Ø 2.0% Senega Balsam tolu Ø 3.0% Excipients q.s. Alcohol content 11%v/v Action of omeo cough: • Acts on mucous lining of respiratory organs • Acts as an expectorant Action of ingredients:
Indications: • Difficult cough • Frequent cough with some expectoration • Prolonged & incessant cough • Cough with threatening suffocation • Pain in the chest on coughing Points to remember: Justicia adhatoda - Excellent in all sorts of cough and cold proclaimed that no death take place from cough of any kind, if Vasaka can display its healing properties.