Sarasawatarishta, A Brain tonic & Rejuvenator

Saraswatarishta is an Ayurvedic nervine tonic used in the treatment of mental disorders like epilepsy, memory weakness and many other problems. Major ingredient of this medicine is Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). This herb acts as nervine tonic and helps to pacify the Central Nervous System. Brahmi is used to improve the memory and intelligence. Moreover it helps to clear the voice, improves the digestion. It is used in the treatment of anemia, cough, diabetes, dyspepsia, anorexia and insanity. Saraswatarishta contains 5 - 10 % of self-generated alcohol in it. This self-generated alcohol and the water present in the product serves as a media to provide the water and alcohol soluble active herbal components to our body.


  1. Brahmi
  2. Shatavari 
  3. Vidari
  4. Abhaya 
  5. Usheera
  6. Ginger
  7. Mishi
  8. Water
  9. Honey
  10. sugar candy
  11. Dhataki
  12. Renuka
  13. Long pepper
  14. Trivrit
  15. Clove
  16. Vacha
  17. Kushta 
  18. Ashwagandha
  19. Vibhitaki
  20. Amruta 
  21. Cardamom
  22. Vidanga
  23. Cinnamon 
  24. Gold leaf


  • It promotes intelligence. It is a Medhya Rasayana (Cognition enhancer).
  • It is an appetizer, anti-anxiety and a rejuvenator.
  • It improves total mental ability.
  • Its daily use promotes brain sharpness.
  • It cures mental diseases.
  • It is also useful in problems related to speech such as stammering, hoarseness of voice etc.
  • Its use cures digestive and bowel problems
  • It is useful in sexual debility, seminal weakness and general debility.
  • It is useful in menstrual disorders.
  • It is alterative, tonic and relaxes nervous system.


Adults - 12 - 24 ml. once or twice daily, after food. If required, it can be mixed with equal quantity of water. It is suggested to drink a cup of milk after taking this medicine.

Kids -  In lower dose it is safe to use this medicine, in children above age of 5 years old.


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