Refresher of the soul, " HamdardRoohAfza "

The reason why Rooh Afza remains the world’s first ever syrup of the common man is that never before was a syrup presented to the people which combined visual beauty with the essence and virtues of other traditional syrups. No effort was spared and no consideration given to the huge expenses involved by the founder of Hamdard in the preparation of a syrup prossessing such a host of qualities. He focused his attention on giving to the public only that which was of a very high standard

Introduced in 1907, RoohAfza is a fruit-filled, friendly punch which is a perfect treat on a hot day. It has been the country’s favorite drink for generations.

The flavor, the fragrance and the color as well as the goodness remain unparalleled even after 100 years of its creation. Hakim Hafiz Abdul Majeed’s brainchild, it is a cool blend of herbal ingredients. A refreshing concoction, RoohAfza is a thirst quencher and a great additive for mocktails and desserts. Besides cooling, it is also nutritional and maintains as well as adjusts the body’s water level.


When we keep in mind the many qualities of Rooh Afza’s
Ingredients, described above, it is easy to understand why it had been forund to be an exceptionally appropriate summer drind. One that can be depended on to keep body water in balance. But apart from this Rooh Afza has many more therapeutic and nutritional qualities, the important ones of which are :
Rooh afza as nutrient
In the from of invert sugar, glucose and fructose.
Rooh Afza for essential electrolytes 
In the from of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride and phosphate.
Rooh Afza for retention of body water
In this ability to maintain and finally adjust the body’s water balance due to the presence of electrolytes in balanced quanitity.
Rooh Afza’s medicinal properties
Which stimulate and correct the function of heart, liver and kidney and check vomiting, diarrhoes, indigestion and stomach ache.
Rooh Afza’s soothing and refreshing properties
Which act on the central nervous system and the rest of the body
Herbs: purslane ("Khurfa seeds", Portulaca oleracea), Chicory, wine-grape raisins (Vitis vinifera), European white lily (Nymphaea alba), blue star water lily (Nymphaea nouchali), lotus (Nelumbo), Borage and Coriander
Fruits: orange, citron, pineapple, apple, berries, strawberry, raspberry, loganberry, blackberry, cherry, concord grapes, blackcurrant and watermelon
Vegetables: spinach, carrot, mint and mướp hương (Luffa aegyptiaca) Flowers: rose, kewra (Pandanus fascicularis), lemon and orange
Roots: vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides)
  • To protect and treat
  • Dehydration(Water loss)
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Heat stoke
  • Fever due to heat exposure
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomachache
  • Nutritional status of the body.
  • Good functioning of the heart
  • To keep Fresh, Active & Energetic



  • 1 glass cold water
  • 2 tablespoons Rooh Afza
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 1 spoonful sugar
  • 1 cup of club so


View & order now and get refreshed naturally

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