Caffeine-free Herbal Coffee - Rumi's MoolCafe

A cup of coffee is a lifeline for many, be it the first thing in the morning when you’re still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, or several cups late at night when you really need to finish a report or a project and just can’t keep your eyes open. While caffeine has been the answer to many a desperate cry for energy and wakefulness, its effects on one’s health have often been called into question. Therefore, to combat the harmful effects of caffeine, without doing away with coffee entirely, herbal coffee has now come into being.

Rumi Herbals MoolCafe

Known as an alternative to regular coffee,Moolcafe combines different spices, varieties of fruit and nuts to provide coffee without the caffeine,hence making it a healthier beverage. 


  • Barley
  • Wheat
  • Beleric Myrobalan/Thanrikai
  • Jatamansi
  • Sarsaparilla/Nannari
  • Nimba/Vembu
  • Sugar cane

Caffeine and Good Health

Caffeine boosts our adrenaline glands and releases opiates from the brain. This contributes to a short-lived feeling of energy and exhilaration. 

  • Relieves constipation
  • Offers natural, peaceful sleep
  • Non-addictive
  • Natural Rejuvenate
  • Regular consumption reduces the palpitation of heart
  • Improves eyesight
  • Relives piles
  • Regularizes menstrual cycle


  • Boil ¼ tea spoon of Moolcafe with small quantity of water
  • Filter and mix with hot milk and sugar Or
  • Can be consumed without milk as black Moolcafe

Quitting coffee, or indeed any form of caffeine is never easy. If you’re switching to herbal coffee, it is better to do it gradually. 

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